Nax'id' Pub

Drink with family & friends


Tucked away in Port Hardy, on the northern tip of Vancouver Island, you’ll find Nax’id’ Pub – a wonderful spot to relax and unwind. We offer an amazing selection of drinks and delicious freshly made dishes that are inspired by local ingredients and infused with First Nations’ flavours.

Our Service Promise

Indulge in Indigenous Dishes & Craft Cocktails at Port Hardy’s Hidden Gem

Menu Items
Visitors Everyday
Positive Reviews

Port Hardy’s Nax’id’ Pub is located on the traditional lands of the Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw, owned and operated by the Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw First Nations. Our dishes are prepared from fresh ingredients daily, and every meal provides you with a uniquely flavoured experience. All menu items that require being smoked, are smoked to perfection in our custom-built smokehouse, located right beside the Kwa’lilas Hotel on North Vancouver Island.